Thursday, 10 February 2011

Thing 13: Reflection week

Well here we are, officially half-way, although in some respects not really half way at all for me. I feel the first few weeks were a nice gentle introduction, as they were mostly things I had encountered before. It was only this last week that I actually had to get to grips with a completely new technology, Twitter. And I'm really glad I have! It's nice to finally know what everyone else has been going on about, and it's also filled two holes for me: Firstly, a few weeks ago the Data Services team had a meeting about how we could make ourselves more known around the Library, and Twitter seems one very good way to go about this. Secondly, I'm also starting to work towards my CILIP chartership, a large portion of which seems to focus on networking with the wider librarianship professional. Again, Twitter seems one obvious way of going about this. I'm hoping more uses will emerge. Several members of staff have sung its praises, and described how they have used it to network with other professionals. However, in order to do this you have to be 'out there', getting yourself followers and regularly tweeting interesting things. I like the idea of communicating with other librarians, particularly other cataloguers, and am willing to give it a go. I've already sent a tweet that was re-tweeted by at least 4 librarians, which gave me a lot of pleasure. There's quite a lot of pressure to think of interesting things to say though!

So that's my reflection on my favourite 'thing'. I'm also enjoying blogging, and again am finding it useful as I begin on my Chartership journey. I'm not sure I would blog without some express purpose, but for the purpose of Chartership it is a great way of recording my thoughts and feelings on my work and experiences.

The next three weeks are packed full of technologies I haven't used before, so I'm looking forward to adding them to my repertoire.

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